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If you’re looking for crochet patterns for items that will make a great gift for her, or just looking for a pattern for yourself this list is sure to inspire! I’ve rounded up 21 patterns that have been popular throughout the year and broken down into 7 categories – shawls, scarves, hats, wrist warmers, ear warmers, leg warmers, and booties.
Crochet Shawl Patterns

Crochet Scarf Patterns

Crochet Hat Patterns

Women’s Slouchy Textured Beanie
Addison Slouchy
Crochet Wrist Warmers Patterns

Everyday Crochet fingerless gloves
Vintage arm warmers with thumbholes
Crochet Ear Warmers & Headbands Patterns

Cinched Ear Warmer Headband Pattern
Crochet Leg Warmers Patterns

Crochet Booties

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